Saturday, January 22, 2011
You are invited to view Aisha Cameron of Cedarwood Cotons de Tulear's photo album: MagaliePiratePups 1-19-11
MagaliePiratePups 1-19-11 Jan 18, 2011 by Aisha Cameron of Cedarwood Cotons de Tulear Magalie & Pirate's 4 babies are growing- their eyes are open now and one or two are beginning to venture out of the nest to gain their land legs. Soon they'll be playing and wrestling with each other to establish their rank in the litter. What fun! |
Message from Aisha Cameron of Cedarwood Cotons de Tulear:
OK.. these are the last of the Puppy Photo Updates for this week.. these are the latest photos of Magalie's babies with Pirate. I hope you enjoy them!
Aisha of Cedarwood Cotons
Aisha of Cedarwood Cotons
Paloma & Momo's new Coton de Tulear Puppies, born January 5, 2011
You are invited to view Aisha Cameron of Cedarwood Cotons de Tulear's photo album: PalomaPups1-19-11-born 1-5-11
PalomaPups1-19-11-born 1-5-11 Jan 19, 2011 by Aisha Cameron of Cedarwood Cotons de Tulear The latest photos of Paloma's babies (Momo is the daddy!) They're tiny little things but growing steadily and every once in a while one manages to get out of the crate. Now that their eyes have opened, they'll soon be exploring and venturing farther afield to explore their surroundings. I'll be setting up some boundaries and putting out some toys tomorrow for sure! |
Message from Aisha Cameron of Cedarwood Cotons de Tulear:
Here are the latest photos of Paloma's babies. Enjoy! The latest photos of Magalie's babies will be coming next!
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Lilly and Pirates new puppies, born December 29, 2010
You are invited to view Aisha Cameron of Cedarwood Cotons de Tulear's photo album: LillyPups12-30-10--Jan19-11
Message from Aisha Cameron of Cedarwood Cotons de Tulear: These are the latest photos and videos of Lilly's babies.. enjoy! I'm working on the photos of Paloma's & Magalie's babies as well.. coming soon! Hugs to all, Aisha |
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