there any safe or natural products that I can use on my dogs to help deter black flies and mosquitoes?
Laureen Osborne
May 6, 2011
become infected.
We protect ourselves with insect repellent, but many repellents for human use contain DEET which should never be used on your dog because it can cause negative reactions.
Fortunately there are safe, natural alternatives that you can use on your dog.
You can make insect repellent for your dog using a variety of essential oils. Lavender oil is particularly effective against both blackflies and mosquitoes. You can also use peppermint, eucalyptus, and lemon grass. Essential oils must be properly diluted. Always use caution when working with essential oils, as they can cause allergic reactions. Never use them on or around cats. Here are two recipes which can be used to repel both blackflies
and mosquitoes:
Insect Repellent Oil
* 10 to 25 drops of essential oils (Check with your veterinarian to make sure your selections are safe and non-toxic.) * 2 tbsp vegetable or olive oil
* 1 tbsp aloe vera gel
Combine all ingredients in a glass jar and shake well. Apply a few drops of the mixture to your dog’s coat between his shoulder blades. You can also add one cup of water to the mixture. Combine well and put in a spray bottle to spray on his coat.
Insect Repellent Spray
* 2.5 ml pure Neem seed oil * 1 ml mild soap (such as puppy shampoo)
* 0.5 L warm water
Mix the warm water and soap together. Slowly add the Neem oil and mix thoroughly. You can apply directly to your dog’s coat using a sponge or put the mixture in a spray bottle and spray his coat. Use immediately; do not store.
Try to keep your dog indoors during the last two or three hours of sunlight when these insects are most active. Mosquitoes continue to feed for the first couple of hours of darkness as well.
More info
Ehow: About Mosquito Repellents for Dogs
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